The Moors from North Africa invaded parts of Spain from 711 AD until the fall of Granada in 1492. With them, they brought along their Islamic religion and culture and ruled Spain for over 700 years. The Moorish influence remains evidently profound in many cities of Spain. Among them, we would like to highlight a
Reading the Alhambra Chapter 5 Based on a transcript from the documentary: Reading the Alhambra. In this final posting, we go deeper in reading the more complex kufic scripts and the combination of it with cursive writings.   “There is no victory other than from God”. Inscription frieze, Alhambra. Photo courtesy of Thierry Fétiveau. The
Reading the Alhambra Chapter 4 Based on a transcript from the documentary: Reading the Alhambra. In the posting, we study the fundamental of kufic scripts that forms the artistic inscriptions on the walls of Alhambra. Alhambra. Image by Maatkare from Pixabay While most of the poems are inscribed in cursive lettering, also outstanding is the
Reading the Alhambra Chapter 3 Based on a transcript from the documentary: Reading the Alhambra. In the posting, we witness the importance of poetry and how it forms the core to this architectural structure.  Palace of Comares "From me, both by day and night, mouths salutes youwith wishes of good fortune, happiness and friendship. She

Reading the Alhambra Chapter 2 Based on a transcript from the documentary: Reading the Alhambra The inscriptions of verses from the Qur´an provide the buildings with sacred evocations of both the earthy and heavenly paradise, such as those in the oldest of the niches for jars of water in the Alhambra at the entrance of

Reading the Alhambra Chapter 1 Based on a transcript from the documentary: Reading the Alhambra When you visit the Alhambra, you will enter into the most original and beautiful architectural world of words. The visual of the semantic prominence of its devout, regal voltive and Quranic phrases and sentences, inscribed in a subtle variety of

La Fiesta de la Toma stirs controversy over Spain’s Islamic heritage by Emilio Alzueta GRANADA History can easily become a matter of names and definitions. The great Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire pointed out the relationship between naming and power: the winners of history, the powerful, coin the language that creates a vision of the world